We are a registered charity dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the communities we serve.
Your donation will directly contribute to our mission of empowering the people we support to live the life of their choosing. These include young people at risk, those experiencing mental health issues, people with disability and older people.
All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.

Every Dollar Matters
Donate to a specific cause that matters to you:
- Empower people with disability to achieve their goals.
- Support young women leaving family and domestic violence.
- Give young people an opportunity to thrive.
- Empower older adults to live their best lives.
- Make a real difference to those struggling with mental health challenges.

Make a Bequest in your Will
Leaving a gift in your will is a powerful way to enhance the lives of the individuals we support.
We've partnered with Willed, who provide a safe and secure online platform to create a will and include a gift to Rise. You can visit Willed here . Alternatively, please ask your solicitor or will writer to include our full name and address.
Rise Network Inc, 41A Great Northern Highway, Middle Swan, WA 6056 .
For more information, please contact us on 6274 3700 or contact@risenetwork.com.au

Set up an Endowment Fund
You can leave a legacy that will have a positive impact on the wellbeing and quality of life of the people we support for years to come.
An endowment gift keeps your contribution intact permanently. As the endowed gift is invested and accumulates interest, it can impact a greater number of people for a better future.
You can establish an endowment fund with a minimum commitment of $10,000. You may leave a legacy to Rise in your name or someone else's name. You can also decide how you want the earnings from your endowment to support the Rise community.
For more information, please contact us on 6274 3700 or contact@risenetwork.com.au
Contribute to an existing Endowment Fund
Dorothea Limb Fund supports activities in the Hills area for older people to connect with their community.
Helyron Fund provides funding for programs that assist young people to gain their driving licence and independence.
J Colyer Fund supports initiatives to promote inclusion in our workforce and services, especially supporting LGBTIQA+ and Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities.
Norma Matheson Fund supports initiatives for vulnerable young people at risk in the community.
Wilhemina Pennenburg Fund provides funding for events and activities for older people.
Contact us today.
We're here to support you.
8:00am - 4:00pm
across Perth